RISE UP, a free conference sponsored by NCBC. Rise up with Rev. Jo Moody and Dr. Alan Hawkins and learn to “Live like Jesus: Love Powerfully”.



Our vision for Silicon Valley is for every disciple of Christ to be fully empowered in their gifts and callings through encounters with God’s love, equipping of their gifts and ministries, and empowerment to fully proclaim and demonstrate the gospel to every sphere they influence.  

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Revival Valley Ministries facilitates Encounters with God’s love. Whether it be in a prayer room, training session, conference,  homeschool class, or other mode; we desire for more encounters with the living God that brings communion to our souls and transformation to our lives.


We seek to provide Equipping opportunities for every disciple with God’s word and practical partnership with the Holy Spirit. This happens at our trainings, schools, and college courses. 


This Empowers all to fulfill the mandate of our Lord to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel of Christ while walking in the Spirit. Arise International Ministry does the  launching of ministries, individual ministers, licensing, and ordaining minister in relationship with Revival Valley or Northern California Bible College. 

Silicon valley

Revival Valley supports and initiates local Spirit-filled prayer ministries, christian schooling, and church gatherings.

Prayer Ministries

  • Ablaze Prayer Houses is a network of regional prayer houses.
  • Unceasing Prayer is a local prayer movement in the South Bay to have church prayer teams cover one day a month for local intercession.
  • Encounter Ministry is prophetic, physical healing, and inner healing prayer ministry.  This ministry does training and equipping.
  • Pray4Tech is a movement to encourage worldwide prayer teams to pray for the Tech industry and to establish prayer teams within the Tech companies.
  • RV Prayer Shield is a virtual team that prays regularly for the ministries of RV and local revival.

Ministry Catalyst

  • Heaven Come Catalyst (HC2) meets monthly to encourage Silicon Valley ministry leaders in more of the Holy Spirit and their mission. Some minister at their home churches, others in the marketplace, or a few have their own ministries.

Christian Schooling

  • Northern California Bible College has a close partnership with Revival Valley. They offer Spirit-filled Personal Enrichment (audit), a 2-year and 4-year college degree in Biblical Studies, and a Master’s degree in Theology.
  • Equip 2:22 is a Spirit-filled homeschool co-op that meets in the South Bay to train the next generation in Christ.
  • Revival Valley Conferences bring people together to encounter God more deeply or provide equipping.

Arise International

  • Arise International launches people into their missions and callings in ministry.
  • Incubates and supports new local Spirit-filled ministries to form (some all the way to non-profit status).
  • Licenses and Ordains ministers that have a relationship with Revival Valley or NCBC College.

Church gatherings

  • The Lift Community is an English-speaking Korean community that has a close partnership with Revival Valley.
  • Various small groups and house church leaders are supported (and trained) by Revival Valley.
  • Pastor’s network and meetups happen monthly to encourage each other and more of the move of the Holy Spirit.

Media & Resources


Revival Valley has a YouTube channel with conferences, testimonies, sermons, announcements, teachings, training, and other events. Conferences are live-streamed so subscribe to the channel to get notifications of upcoming events.


Revival Valley newsletter is sent once or twice a month with announcements, conferences, other local Spirit-filled events, and other resources. This is a great way to be informed about ministries in Silicon Valley.


Check out our various media and teachings, which range from books, videos, blog posts, and other inspiring content. We love to see people more fully engaged and trained in the Holy Spirit and His gifts and ministries.


I have been wearing hearing aids the last couple years from a childhood hearing loss I was unaware of until covid and everyone was wearing masks. I could no longer understand what people were saying. I believe I just learned to read people’s lips and could “hear enough” to make out what was being said. On Friday night there was an intercessor at the end who said he heard from the Holy Spirit there was someone who had tennitis or hearing loss. I stood up in my living room and prayed along with my husband for this healing. Then Dr Mike asked us to do something we could not do before the prayer. I turned the tv volume from 40 down to 10 and could still hear him speaking True miracle of healing!

Kimberly B

May 2023, Jesus Heals PTSD

The morning I woke up after watching all four sessions of your conference, I noticed a lightness in my lower back, yes, during the prayer time the previous day I did ask the Lord to heal my back, the burning pain that I have had for many years. The type of pain I am so familiar and used to, It’s not there anymore.


May 2023, Jesus Heal PTSD Conference


Revival Valley’s vision is to stir up revival in Silicon Valley and see the gospel of Jesus go to all nations. Revival starts in each individual heart. As the Kingdom of God increases in each of us, it permeates the region, people, and culture around us. Our hope is that Silicon Valley would be re-branded, Revival Valley.