Prophetic Night – Ed Traut

Prophetic Night, July 28, 201962 S San Tomas Aquino Rd, Campbell, CA 95008-2515 "The Stirring" meets weekly at 5pm. This will be a night to hear solid teaching about the prophetic gifts described in the Bible. Ed Traut is gifted in the prophetic and will release words to the church and people as the Lord leads. Ed pastored for several…

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Empowering Communities

Belong — Be Known — Be Encouraged — Be Sent Out   Empowered. Missional. Kingdom Minded. Christ-centered. Spirit-filled. Holistic. There are a lot of adjectives pastors can add to describe the community they are trying to build. These words add focus or clarity to the vision of the community. At Revival Valley, we foster the creation of Life Groups, the…

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Season of Deeper and Wider

I had a dream about being in a season of expansion of great and fast increase. I saw rapid growth that was totally uncontrolled. I felt this growth was going to happen in two ways: deeper and wider. We are going DEEPER with God and one another in the territories and relationships we already possess. This expansion will be in…

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Opening Doors and Tearing Down Walls

We all face challenges in life, hurdles to our callings, broken mindsets, and other things that block us from moving forward. I saw some of these things as locked doors before me, impeding my forward progress to my call and destiny. I wanted to unlock a closed door that was in front of me. I wanted it to stay open…

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Vision of Prayer and Worship at Avaya Stadium

About six months ago I was driving and I had to pass by Avaya Stadium on my way. It was the first time I had driven by it. As you drive by you can see into the stadium and see some of the sections of seats there. Traffic was bad and we came to a stop on Coleman Avenue. When…

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Glorify God’s Name in Intercession

During a meeting, the leader was recounting a story from the Brownsville revival. During this talk, in my mind, I saw a building full for prayer and worship, with banners along the side and back walls. Each was calling people to a prayer focus by declaring a Name of God. Instead of traditional prayer focus stations, like family, school, city,…

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San Jose: Arise, shine for your light has come

"I say the same for San Jose. That there comes such a light rising, in such a way, that it is a beacon for all of the Bay Area. There is no coincidence that a general [of prayer] for all of CA is here in San Jose. Father we thank You for the light that is bursting forth. Isaiah 60:1 "Arise, shine for your light has…

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Revival as Family

"Family" has been a theme we have heard from many lately as they speak about this upcoming Revival. We feel that the word family should be interpreted as the "family of God's people" and not necessarily your "birth, natural, or adopted family." We know that God adopts us as sons and daughters and we are considered brothers and sisters in…

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Unity Among Pirate Ships

In a dream, there was a meeting of pirate ships. Pirate ships are independent and somewhat territorial in philosophy and definitely do not work like an armada or fleet that work together. No one could get all of them to work together or listen all at once. Several smaller row boats were going around and having two or three pirates…

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62 S San Tomas Aquino Rd, Campbell, CA 95008-2515 "The Stirring" meets weekly at 5pm. This will be a night to hear solid teaching about the prophetic gifts described in the Bible and hear church and personal prophetic words as the Lord leads. Ed pastored for several years and later, led by the Lord, started Prophetic Voice Ministries in South…

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