Jesus Testimonies from The Stirring 10/21

God still saves and heals, in the name of Jesus. Quick Summary (over two days): 1 Salvation !! 12 people felt a touch by God for healing, 1 person felt a type of oppression leave and 2 people were deeply touched by the Holy Spirit.

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What is ‘Revival’?

A few weeks ago I was challenged by a fellow minister to really define revival. Not in an academic sense. Not in a cover all the bases and opinions way. But in the 'what did God mean for me/us to pursue revival in Silicon Valley, at this moment in time'. How will we know if we are answering the call…

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Medical School of Healing in Silicon Valley

Just as Dr. Luke documented the miracles and testimony of Christ, and as he witnessed and spoke of the miracles of the apostles and of Paul, so too will the Medical School of Healing partake in, and testify to, the miracles of Jesus Christ in Silicon Valley and beyond.

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A Word to the Valley

The whole valley is meant to come alive in me and flourish again. It's is like they need a stream to break out, starting at the bottom of the east foothills and flowing across the south bay. I flow into that place. I want to pierce that dark place, so I am starting the river where the joy is and…

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Strengthening the Net, Recap

Last week we held a Strengthening the Nets worship, impartation and outreach weekend. We sent out an update to our mailing list, and we are posting it here This weekend (April 22nd & 23rd) was amazing, thanks to everyone that joined in (both in the worship & impartation night, and the Saturday outreach)! The name of Jesus was lifted high…

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God Matches Faith

"God had told her that on the boat would be an American missionary family consisting of two adults and seven children, and that she was to give them a home." ~ Liardon, Roberts (2003-05-15). God's Generals: Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed Upon reading this line in a book of biographies, the Lord stopped me and said there was…

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Book of Acts, Re-written

Let us pray, that the book of Acts be re-written again in Silicon Valley! This is one of my heart's cries for my hometown and the surrounding region, Silicon Valley. Simply that all the awesome breakthroughs, miracles, freedoms found, and revivals written about in the book of Acts, happen here in Silicon Valley. I want to see engineers prophesying, businessmen…

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Unity – A Currency of Revival

During a prayer time a few weeks ago, a young lady remarked that unity is a natural side effect of true love (which means disunity or division is the product of a lack of love). The end of John 17:23 (see below) completely backs this up, linking the world seeing unity to them knowing love. If we love each other,…

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An open letter to the church – Revival Valley: God is rebranding Silicon Valley

Hello, Praise God for what He has been doing, and is going to do in Silicon Valley. For many, many years pastors, leaders, intercessors and prayer teams have been asking the Lord to move in the cities, churches and neighbors all around Silicon Valley, and I believe God is so focused on this area that He wants to rebrand Silicon…

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Are We Ready to Run?

Where will we run? There is only one place to run and that is into the arms of Jesus. Runners have their eyes set on the goal of the race and are firmly fixed on their destination, which is ever closer to Jesus. They are running to draw near to Him as fast as they can. He is all that…

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