Supernatural Theology: Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Now
(Kindle and paperback)

“We are in a season where healthy theology in the charismatic movement is vital, and where the expression of the Gifts of the Spirit has never been more necessary for the extension of the Kingdom of God. Greg’s solid work in “Supernatural Theology” creates a pathway to that healthy theology. It is said that smart people celebrate complex concepts, but brilliant people take complex concepts and make them simple. Greg Holsclaw is one of the brilliant ones. He has tackled complex concepts in his book “Supernatural Theology” and has made them relatable to our every day lives.”

~ Rev. Landen Dorsch, Lead Pastor Gateway Family Church (Alberta, Canada), Author of Renovated for Glory, Host of Kingdom Wild

“Like so many of us, there was a time when Greg Holsclaw had “a theology that allowed for God to move like this on an infrequent basis but no expectant belief He delighted in doing such things.” Also, like so many of us, he found out there is so much more. God is moving in the supernatural all over the world. It’s time to discover what the Bible actually reveals about it all, and allow our theology to be adjusted and expanded by the heart of God and His truth. Greg Holsclaw helps us do just that. We are in a Kairos moment in history. Greg’s book, Supernatural Theology, bids us enter in.”

~ Dr. Kim Maas, Doctorate in Ministry, Founder Kim Maas Ministries, Author & International Speaker,

“In his book, Supernatural Theology, Greg brilliantly communicates our heavenly Father’s invitation and plan for us to encounter Him by means of His own Spirit and through the spiritual gifts given to us that express His nature. Greg provides a necessary bridge between those who would emphasize the power of the Spirit and those who would emphasize the truth of God’s word to be able to honor, appreciate and even embrace what the other holds so dear. This practical book will inspire you and instruct you on how to live in the supernatural realm of God’s Kingdom as a regular way of life. Through Greg’s writings, you will see the imprint of an author who deeply loves God, who loves His Word, and who loves the freedom and power of God’s Spirit. Enjoy the journey into the truth and mystery of the heart of God!”

~ Brent Lokker, Lead Pastor, Author of Always Loved: You are God’s Treasure, Not His Project

“Spiritual gifts have often been a dividing line for many Christian denominations. In Greg Holsclaw’s new book the theology of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is clearly laid out. Greg offers practical understanding and an invitation for every believer in Christ to step forward with the mandate of scripture to do the greater things that Jesus said we would do. This book is a must-read and your invitation to live the supernatural life you are destined to live!”

~ Reverend Joanne Moody, Founder Agape Freedom Fighters, Author & International Speaker,

“Greg Holsclaw’s book Supernatural Theology introduces the reader to the gifts of the Holy Spirit with his experiential knowledge and wisdom. He builds a foundation from his theological background and adds practical steps to go deeper into an experience with each of the spiritual gifts. He adds nuances to traditional understanding and bridges the gap between talking about the gifts and describing real-life experiences. He unpacks the links between the love of God and the power of God, between faith and healing, and between the gift of prophecy and the modern-day prophetic word. He demonstrates how the gifts can be developed through practice with exercises. This book is an essential resource for theological discussions as well as practical ways to operate in the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.

~ Stephanie Shoquist, MA Theology, Director Silicon Valley Healing Rooms, Founder of Hearts Aligned Ministries

“When leaders of workplace fellowships gather Christians together in Silicon Valley or other corporate settings, group members come together from vast varieties of church backgrounds. One area of difference that often surfaces in theologically eclectic environments is an individual’s belief about engaging the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Greg Holsclaw, is a Silicon Valley engineer, a student of scripture and a practitioner of Spiritual gifts. While his book may not specifically show you how to create policies that will navigate the complexity of leading a workplace fellowship, it will give you greater understanding of the theological underpinnings that you need to know in order to lead a diverse workplace to a place of unity and respect regarding the use of spiritual gifts in your conference room prayer gatherings, lunchtime Bible studies, and worship gatherings in the workplace. You will come to appreciate an approach that leads you into the word of truth AND the power of the Spirit!”

~ Roy Tinklenberg, Founder Faith and Work Movement Global, Catalyzing 100s of Workplace Fellowships, Masters in Divinity,