Empowering Communities is the description we use here at Revival Valley to describe our disciple-making life groups.
The primary work of Empowering Communities is to help discover, and then empowered, the different callings God has given each of us, that when blended together becomes the amazing answer to the call of going into the whole world and making disciples of Christ. By recognizing our uniqueness, we can encourage each other specifically.
The motivation is to know deeply how God made each one of us. By digging deeper to know each other, we can be more focused in our encouragements when we understand the calling upon each life. We seek to assist the unfolding plan and purpose for each person as we prepare to send each other out into the world. Full of God’s love, and full of His purpose. Just as Jesus was sent by the Father, so too we are sent into the world. These communities are not works driven, but we would hope to discover the good works that God has laid out before each of us (Ephesians 2:10).
Book available on Amazon: Empowering Communities: Disciple Making Communities of Christ by Greg Holsclaw outlines all of these principles in detail.
Empowering Communities seek to accelerate the discovery and empowerment process by:
Creating spaces to Belong.
Creating spaces to Be Known.
Creating spaces to Be Encouraged.
Creating spaces to Be Sent Out.
These four “B” elements create the foundation for the rhythms and practices of Empowering Communities.
Empowering Communities – Making (Maturing) Disciples with Christ

Printable In-Brief Guides (or visit the pages linked above)