Inductive Bible Study Inside Empowering Communities
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Facilitating honest discussions of how we can live with Christ next week, and who we can encourage is the main priority. Focus is not learning new knowledge, but learning to live according to God’s revelation through Scripture. Not all questions need to always be asked. Ask the Spirit of God, and discern what is best for the community for this meeting.
Inductive questions for the passage:
- Observation – What does this passage say?
- Interpretation – What does it mean?
- Application – How does this passage apply to my life?
Be Known Focused Questions
- From this passage, what was revealed about God?
- From this passage, what was revealed about me (and others)?
Be Encouraged Focused Questions
- How does (should) this passage encourage me?
- Is there a promise to believe in, or a command to follow?
- How can I encourage others from this passage?
Be Sent Focused Questions
- Who could I share this with?
- How can my discipleship community support me as I go?
Who should I support as they go?