Our weekly gathering is a Jesus Celebration, a time for many to come together to worship. This Gathering is centered on Jesus and marked by freedom. At every meeting we worship, pray, take communion, and encourage one another. We expect the Holy Spirit and the presence of God to show up at our gatherings.
5:30 pm Gather for Prayer and Ministry
6:00 Worship, Testimonies & Communion
Bring a Heart of Worship and Prayer
Be ready to encounter God and His Love.
With 1 Cor 14:26 as our encouragement, let us each come with a heart prepared to minister to each other, as the Spirit of the Living God leads:
“When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up.”
Our Mission is to be a community that loves God and loves people well.
To usher generations into encounters with the love of God, and transform our region with the message of Jesus and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Other Key Values for our Vision
- By grace we are saved through faith, and we were created for good works (Eph 2:8,9 & Eph 2:10).
- Everything God makes is good, and He is good, but that does not mean we will have a trouble-free life (1 Tim 4:4-5, Jam 1:17 & Rom 8:18, Acts 7:60).
- Though we have received the righteousness of Christ, we work out our salvation with fear & trembling (Rom 3:22 & Phi 2:12).
- Through Christ, we have gained freedom, but we are now slaves to righteousness and compelled by the commands of Christ (2 Cor 3:14 & Rom 6:18, John 14: 23).
- Key ministry roles (Eph 4:11) will teach and pull the church in different directions, and that is a good thing!
Supporting Values
- We give, as we have been freely given. Matt 10:8
- All are invited and welcome. But Jesus always expected a response and transformation.
- God is a God of order, and He leads by His Spirit, but that doesn’t mean we always know what will happen next (man’s schedule of service, and God’s order are not the same thing).
- United in purpose, but not uniform in culture. The Body of Christ is a very diverse Fellowship.
- Unity is nourished by ‘Look what God & Christ’s Body is doing’ type thinking, not ‘Look what my fellowship is doing’ style thinking.
- We come together because we are one Family of God, and share the common purpose of reaching the world with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, instead of dividing along lines of doctrine or practice.
- We value all the gifts of Spirit, and seek to Biblically honor the unseemly gifts among us.
- Leaders equip, not control, create dependency, or do all the ministry. The goal of Eph 4:11 leadership is an Eph 4:16 community, where the Body builds up itself in love.
Additional Emphasis
- Obeying, and encouraging others to live, the two greatest commandments, loving God and loving others.
- Fulfilling, and encouraging others to fulfill, the great commission.
- Ministers of reconciliation (in families, in communities, in cities, among peoples, and among Christian fellowships)
- Engage the fullness of each Person of the Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Encourage, empower and train God’s people to join or foster revival in the contexts they are already in
- We are a launching fellowship. We expect people to be launched into their God dreams, either in our overlapping spheres or into new spheres and regions.
Prayer + Worship in the Park started meeting on Pentecost (May 2020) at a park in Mountain View. Many of us had been meeting online for several months during the quarantine, joining together for prayer and worship . The week leading to Pentecost Sunday, a few felt it was time to start meeting in person again. Each week we kept gathering, celebrating Jesus and gathering in worship with great freedom.
ALL NATIONS was chosen because it captured a core value of the gathered people: to be a people of all nations, who go to all the nations with the Good News of Jesus.
Core Verses
“For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations” (Isaiah 56:7)
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19).
People from other churches are welcome at our weekly large worship gathering, to be filled up and renewed to continue to serve in their home churches. However, regularly attending one of the small groups is the best way to “belong.”
Revival Valley’s vision is to see the increase of God’s Kingdom in Silicon Valley. Revival Valley and its leadership provide wisdom and oversight (full name is officially “All Nations Christian Fellowship”).