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National: Inauguration Dream


I am not hugely into politics but occasionally God speaks to me about things going on; I am much more focused on heavenly things than worldly politics. This dream does not really take political sides. It is more of a discernment dream showing what is going on in the spiritual climate more than about any particular issue. For some reason, I was napping during the President Trump inauguration. I did not even know the inauguration was going on until later that day.  (If you need Biblical context of a dream like this please see Daniel 7.)

The dream: I was on a country property with large oak trees and tall golden weeds; there was a nice house on the property and a picnic table under the large trees. I saw eight black panthers sitting on a knoll right outside of the property across what seemed to be the driveway.  These black panthers concerned me, so I took all of the pets and most people indoors. The largest and oldest panther had some white hairs in its fur from age. It came running at the house and slammed chest first into a floor to ceiling glass window in the living room and then went sliding down the window like a cartoon. The whole thing shook me as this was a blatant attack and I was so thankful the thick glass had prevented it from attacking me or my loved ones.

I looked again, the black panthers were gone but now three yellow mountain lions were sitting in the same spot on the knoll. They did not attack and eventually just went away.

My family and I go outside to have a picnic. I come across a large boa constrictor snake slithering away from the house. I see another boa constrictor snake a bit later on the path. Then I see a venomous rattlesnake on the path. I get in a golf cart someone else is driving and they run over the venomous snake.

Finally, my family and I go back out to the picnic table to enjoy a meal together. A small leech falls from the tree.  Then a larger leech, the size of a boot, attacks a generous man in the heart. It is hurting him like he is having a heart attack but a French bulldog puppy comes and bites it and destroys it. Then I see a squirrel.

Interpretation: I woke up and asked God what this all meant, as the dream felt important. This just seemed like a zoo of animals at first, so I asked God what it meant. The timing of being during the inauguration did not seem coincidental. I do not have the full interpretation just pieces.

First, the eight black panthers were describing the past presidency of Obama. That seemed clear in the interpretation. There was some sort of attack right at the end by the last black panther on the house but the full effect of the attack was stopped by the big thick glass window.

After, that there were eight more animals described (3 mountain lions, 3 snakes, 2 leeches); describing these next eight years. I don’t know if this describes a person or the general spiritual atmosphere of the country.

I have seen large cats in discernment dreams and they usually represent a spirit and not a person. The black panther felt like a false hope in a political savior to do justice for the minority communities but it truly was a false hope. The blond mountain lion seemed to be a political savior for the white population.

I will be honest, I do not know how to interpret the change after the three golden mountain lions to the three snakes. I do not know if this is a change of person in the presidency or a change of the spirit trying to influence the presidency. The first two snakes were not venomous but were constrictors. In discernment dreams, these type of snakes try to suffocate people and I usually get some feeling of divination or spiritualism with this kind of attack. The venomous snake at the end seems far more threatening to people as with one quick bite it inflicts its poison. But the golf cart handled it.

Again, I do not know if the change from snakes to leeches is a change of person or change of spirit trying to influence the presidential role. But this seemed to be about money or prosperity, as leeches usually are. And it hit the heart big time. I find it interesting that it was a small young French bulldog that handled this issue and wonder if a French person will step in or a French nation.

I felt these animals were all pretty negative ferocious untamed beasts and I felt unnerved about our political system altogether. I asked God where He was in this dream. I felt like He was the sheet of glass in the window; invisible but definitely there are a protector. Also, none of the animals were able to do any real harm, there was always intervention by the glass window, golf cart, or French bulldog puppy when things got bad.

I have no clue why the dream ends with a squirrel.