Partner & Donate
Funding & Empowering Revival in Silicon Valley
Encounters, Equipping & Empowering
Our vision for Silicon Valley is for every disciple of Christ to be fully empowered in their gifts and callings. Through continued partnering, Revival Valley Ministries can facilitate Encountering God’s love in house churches and marketplace fellowships, Equipping every disciple with God’s word and practical partnership with the Holy Spirit and Empowering all to fulfill the mandate of our Lord to proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel of Christ

Online Giving Options
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Other Giving Options
Donate Real Property
If you want to donate vehicles or real property, Revival Valley can facilitate your donation. Contact Us to get started.
By Check
Make Checks To: Revival Valley
Mail to: Revival Valley,
2059 Camden Ave, #233
San Jose, CA 95124
Please use a sticky note if the purpose is beyond the General Fund.
“I thank God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now…all of you share in God’s grace with me.” – Phillipians 1:3–7.
Major Initiatives

Encounters, Equipping and Empowering
From house church and marketplace fellowships, to training seminars and outreaches, the core purpose of Revival Valley is to empower another generation of disciples to proclaim and demonstrate the amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ.

ABLAZE seeks to cultivate and catalyze prayer throughout Silicon Valley: Multi-location, online and in-person
The Silicon Valley version of a prayer house: distributed, connected, online & in-person. Help us raise up worship leaders, intercession coordinators and prayer evangelists in Silicon Valley.

Leading a Bible College
The Lord has entrusted Revival Valley leaders with our local Bible College and Ministry School. Our vision is for students to: Encounter God’s truth deeply, be Equipped to handle correctly God’s Word, and be Empowered to fulfill their ministry of the gospel of Christ.
Our Core Goals
- Develop and distribute ‘for Silicon Valley, from Silicon Valley’ encounters of the Father’s love and grace and growing a lifestyle of empowerment through the Holy Spirit.
- Deeply partner with Northern California Bible College to train and equip a generation of tech engineers, entrepreneurs, managers and other believers across the whole Bay Area.
- Launch every disciple into their calling and ministry with Christ, in Silicon Valley and beyond.