“The vision was of wave upon wave of young people like me, missionaries still in their teens and early twenties, marching onto the shores of all the continents” ~ Loren Cunningham, found of Youth With a Mission

An Invitation
I believe all such pictures are both renderings of what God intends to accomplish, but also an invitation to join what He is doing. Just as Jesus did what He saw the Father doing (John 5:19) so we too should ‘see’ what the Father is doing, and join in. So I challenge you not to read on, unless you will firmly consider saying ‘Yes’ to whatever the Holy Spirit stirs up in you, for each of us has gifts and callings, prepared before the foundation of the earth to accomplish.
During a very worship filled evening of praise, I saw four consecutive images that the Lord and I have a conversation about in my heart. The context was simply me praying for my home area of Silicon Valley, that the Lord’s kingdom would come mightily.
Not Ready, but Strong in the Lord
I saw myself on a surf board, and I felt a surge growing for a coming wave, a large wave. As I started paddling to catch the wave, the image stopped, and I felt the Lord ask me ‘Do you think you are strong enough to ride this wave?’. I replied, ‘No, but You can make me strong enough’.
In this interaction, the Lord was reminding me that if respond to His invitation in my own strength, it will miss it. But if I turn to Him, I can do all things. Joining the Lord in His revival is much more about what we do with His strength, not our own.
Everything will Change
Then in the image changed, and I was up standing on the board with the powerful wave cresting high over my head. The image stopped again, and God asked if I really wanted to this because it will change everything! I instantly answered Yes. My heart and spirit have been longing, pursuing the Lord’s revival in Silicon valley for years, and I was more than willing to follow God, and give up or change anything to follow Him.
Following God’s invitation into new or deeper things rarely is an exercise of doing more of the same. Things needs to change to enter into new works. Many times He won’t even list what needs to change, but we must have a heart to follow Him regardless of what is coming!
Growing in the Lord, Revealing Precious Stones
Then I rode the wave all the way to the shore, but during the ride I grew larger. Then I washed up on the shore, and looked around and saw many others who had surfed the wave all up and down the beach. There were many gems and precious jewels all scattered around, having been revealed by the massive wave crashing on the shore. I knew these jewels represented the masses of people who were came into the Family of God.
I was first so glad that revival had crashed into the shore, a wave of God’s Kingdom coming to an area. Those who were looking for it grew in spiritual stature by responding to the invitation to join God’s work, and many were brought into the Kingdom, praise the Lord!
A Holy Discontent
But my heart wasn’t content. I couldn’t explain, but I felt very unsatisfied. I didn’t have any expectation for what God would do, and seeing so many gems unearth seemed like a very good thing. But I couldn’t shake the feeling I that something was missing, or undone in the vision. So I ask God if there was more, there must be more! God responded by telling to go back into that picture on the shore, but instead look back out to the ocean.
So in my mind, I saw myself on that beach, but then I gaze out upon the ocean. The sun was setting now, and as the water from the wave receded back, it was launching many, many ships out into the world. The Lord said it was 1000 ships that I was seeing.
Invited to Join the Launching of 1000 ships Carrying the Gospel of the Kingdom
Yes! Now my heart was full. Now tears of hope and joy were released in me. For when a revival that touches a region, when it reaches its full effect should touch the shores of other regions too. It should so multiply the saints, and stir them up to the things of God, that the Gospel of the Kingdom goes forth that that region to others.
So this is the full invitation of revival. Not to just experience a new move. Not to partake of riding a single revival wave. But to be part of something that moves wave upon wave of revival. Something that launches, and launches and launches people, families and groups into their mission and callings.
So you are invited:
- To ride the waves of revival
- To gather the precious gems of new souls being won into the Kingdom in your city or region
- To grow in stature before God and people
- To construct missional/Kingdom ministries that will take the Gospel near and far
- To become, or train, sailors who will carry the light of God and His truth to new peoples
- To send others, but remain behind to interceded and support from a distance
- To equip and give provision those who go
- To always be looking for the next wave.
Listen now for the Lord’s particular invitation to you. Respond to what the Holy Spirit is calling out to you!
Then tell someone, or tell us, what the Lord is calling you into.