Everyone benefits from community! We gather in small fellowships to be known, cared for and equipped as individual disciples of Christ. Our Life Groups meet weekly as a time to share what God is doing in our lives, use our spiritual gifts, and grow in learning and practicing the Bible together. A tangible time to “Love God and Love Others.”

Typical Life Group Schedule:

1. Welcome – an ice breaker question or this could be a time of sharing short praises of what God has been doing

2. Worship – singing to God (this could be live musicians or iPod/CD worship), reading Psalms, poetry, praises, communion,… or any other form of honoring Jesus

3. Word – we highly encourage each group to go through a chapter of the Bible in their meeting time (see the list below). The final question is not “what did I learn?” but “how will apply what I just read this upcoming week?”

4. World – discuss and pray for the areas and people God has called each person to. This may include praying for the city, a specific friend or co-worker, or discussing an outreach to do together


Join a Group! to receive the address for locations in Santa Clara County, CA please email admin@revivalvalley.com


Best books of the Bible for Life Group discussion: any New Testament book makes a for a great discussion (Hebrews and Revelations 4 onward can be difficult). We highly recommend that everyone is reading through their entire Bible regularly. (If your group wants to do some other book of the Bible or study book, please inquire with the church leaders.)


Good ice breakers:

  • how many siblings did you have growing up?
  • describe where you grew up?
  • when was the last time you did something for the first time?
  • what did you see God doing in your life this week?