Videos of the Friday Night and Saturday Morning teaching

Prayer and Prophecy Equipping Weekend with Joanne Moody
February 2, 3 – 2018
Not a conference, or a seminar, but hands on training and activation into hearning Jesus more in your life, and the lives of others. Practical teaching with exercises in prayer, prophecy and encouraging the Body of Christ.
- Practicing the Prophetic
- The Authority of the Believer
- Living in the fullness of Christ
Friday Feb. 2nd, 2018 @ 7 – 9pm
Saturday Feb. 3rd, 2018 9:30 – 12:30 & 6pm – 8pm
Location: Echo Church
Agape Freedom Fighters (founded by Joanne Moody) exists to set captives free through the ministry of healing and evangelism in the name of Jesus Christ. We are designed to equip individuals, churches and regional prayer teams with practical, theologically-grounded training.
The Revival Valley team has a passion for equipping the saints and fostering unity among churches, so these events are always free and open to the people of God (offerings are collected for the itinerate ministers to bless their ministries, as people feel led). We want to see the love and power of God change hearts in the Bay Area, and beyond.